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Back to School
Thursday 3rd October

Year 1 had a wonderful time at Wonderland! The visit really enhanced their learning about Traditional Tales and the thematic unit 'Happily Ever After'. Children loved meeting various  characters and enjoyed visiting their homes! A highlight was helping The Madhatter and Alice tell a story. They also had the opportunity to find their way in a maze and go on a number of Traditional Tale themed rides!

Monday 21st October
Look at our amazing creative homework!

Thank you to all the parents and  grandparents who joined us for our DT workshop.  It was great to see so many of you helping your child create a bag for Tinkerbell! 

Our Teachers
Mrs Gratton.jpg

Mrs R Gratton

Teacher - Year 1 Class 6

KS1 Phase Leader 

Miss E Karakas Reception Year Leader P.H.S.E.jpg

Mrs E Dean

Teacher - Year 1

Class 6


Mr L Humphries

Teacher - Year 1

Class 5

Miss M Richardson.jpg

Miss M Richardson

Teacher - Year 1​

Class 4

Welcome to Year 1

Happy New Year! Welcome back to the Spring Term and to 2025! We trust you had a lovely holiday and look forward to a term full of learning and progress.


English and Mathematics will continue to be taught daily and focus on key writing skills and mathematical calculations.


In Science, children we be learning about plants and as always, across the curriculum, there will be many opportunities for children to show their creative flare this term.


For more details about our learning this term, please see the  Curriculum Overview.


Our thematic topic for this term is ‘Unity in the Community’ and over the next few weeks we will be out and about around our school exploring the local area using our geographical skills. We are already really looking forward to our exciting inspiration day this Thursday 9th January and we can’t wait to see your community outfits! Our next topic is ‘Jurassic Hunter’ where we will be learning all about Mary Anning and we may be having a special, rather unusual visitor in school!


PSHEe, PE, R.E and Science will be taught discreetly.




Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE days. Children may be asked to remove earrings before PE sessions. Children are now able to come to school dressed in their PE kits on PE days. 


Please note some changes to PE days.

Year 1 PE sessions are:

Class 4 – Wednesday and Friday

Class 5 – Monday and Wednesday

Class 6 – Monday and Wednesday


Phonics will continue to be an important part of our daily learning and multiple opportunities will be available throughout the day for children to practise and apply their learning.  Later on in the term, information regarding national phonics screening checks will be available. We cannot stress the importance of reading regularly at home and as much as possible dip into those sound and word bags in preparation for the phonic checks. There are many free online games and activities available to support your child with their phonics learning. In school, children particularly enjoy,  â€˜Phonics Play’ and ‘Phonics Bloom’. 


Children in Year 1 receive regular homework. As always, children will be expected to read regularly at home, we suggest a minimum of three times per week. If your child has weekly phonic spellings, these will be given out on a Friday and tested on the following Friday and children will be bringing home a purple creative homework book with outlined activities.

We will continue with morning toast up until the close of the register and we will offer a piece of fruit for morning snack. A separate letter regarding milk will be sent out shortly. Please continue to send your child with a named water bottle that they can refill with water and use in school. We ask that it is not metal please as these can be heavy.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, who will usually be available at the end of each day. We anticipate a busy and exciting term ahead and we thank you in advance for your continued support.



Mrs Gratton/Mrs Dean                 Mr Humphries                         Miss Richardson                   

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview

Click the green label on the post to see more news

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