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​School Council

Goldthorn Park School Council is a group of pupils that represent the voice of all pupils.

They listen to suggestions and ideas that are of importance to their peers and the good of the school.

We have an active School Council which comprises of representatives from Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 year groups.


They are elected annually by their classmates and this year our School Councillors are:


Year 1: Nevaeh and Abihjot
Year 2: Saina and Siam
Year 3: Japleen and Gurkaran
Year 4: Riya and Prince
Year 5: Deep and Harjot
Year 6: Ashleen and Rion


School councillors work together with their class, year group, staff, whole school and community to enhance, make changes or support fundraising events.


Their suggestions make a positive contribution to the school's continual development and most recently this has been for Christmas Jumper Day.


School Council held their first formal meeting during Autumn 2 face to face (socially distanced) and this term, meetings will be undertaken via Microsoft Teams.


Our Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl also lend their support to School Council.


Look out for updates via the School Council display board and Class Dojo Stories.

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