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Welcome back to those children continuing their Nursery journey and welcome to the children who are just beginning theirs!  We hope you all have had an enjoyable holiday and are ready for a fun-filled term.


In Nursery we are active learners and over the autumn term we will be supporting your child to settle into their new environment and routine, as well as introducing them to their learning. Your child will be given many opportunities to develop their critical thinking, explore their own skills and actively learn. This will continue throughout their time in Nursery.


Our Nursery sessions run each morning from 8:30am-11:30am and each afternoon session from 12:15pm-3:15pm. We operate an open door policy, so please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Nursery team if you have any questions or messages.


This term will be dedicated to ‘getting to know each other’ for the children, parents and teachers.

The theme this half term is ‘Happy to be Me!’ where the children will be learning about their senses, features, family, similarities and differences. We then move on to ‘Come and Join the Celebration’ after our half term break.


In English, we will be concentrating on our English language using nursery rhymes and discussion times. The children will be encouraged to communicate with adults and other children too. In Maths, we will start by looking at numbers 1 – 10 using songs and nursery rhymes then we will focus on our main numbers 1 – 3. Throughout the day we will encourage children to try and use their numbers effectively.

Through stories and play opportunities we will concentrate on building relationships and developing a sense of belonging for the children in their new environment.  The children will be able to get used to their new routine and will be encouraged to develop and expand their language skills in a variety of situations, both formal and informal, when playing and during structured games and activities.  This will be within the classroom and outdoor environments.


Throughout their first term in nursery, we will be encouraging your child to become more independent and confident with using the environment around them, e.g. going to the toilet, putting on their coat, choosing an activity.


Wild Tribe will be taught on Wednesdays. Children will need a waterproof coat and wellies so that no matter the weather we are able to partake in Wild Tribe.


It would also be appreciated if all uniform (including PE kit and pumps and water bottles) could be labelled with your child’s full name and class. ALL children will always need a spare pair of clothes in school, in case of any accidents.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher at the end of the school day or via Class Dojos. Thank you in anticipation of your continued support.


Miss Simpkiss

Nursery Teacher


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 Curriculum Overview

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