Athens Vs Sparta
What an amazing day we have had! Humph Histories delivered a fantastic Greek day full of activities andnew learning for the children. Her...
Happy New Year and welcome back to a very exciting term ahead! We hope you’ve all had a fun but relaxing time over the Christmas holiday break!
As well as settling your children back, this term is a very busy one - as always – and starts with an exciting new History topic called ‘Athens v Sparta’. This incorporates looking at the History of the Greeks and how they used to live, including the key aspect of mythology, especially highlighting the conflicts that characterized Ancient Greece. We will be sending information to you in due course about dressing up days/resources needed for our inspiration day to begin our exciting topic! In addition to this, we aim to send out a homework project on this theme where the children will be able to research valuable information via the internet and other educational material.
The children will be expected to read at home daily where we will require your support to help them with this and talk about what they have read. A daily comment in your child’s reading diary is always welcomed and communication in this book between yourselves and your child’s teacher is always helpful. Children will also continue to receive one set of spellings weekly to learn at home please (these being statutory words they will need to know in Year 3).
The online Reading Eggs programme will commence (so too a weekly comprehension task will be set) but this is in addition to reading books they are expected to read at home on a regular basis.
The maths online programme ‘‘TT Rockstar’ will be continuing to help consolidate times table work your child has been doing in class. Please let us know asap if you have any problems with accessing these programs as homework is vital towards consolidating learning we are doing in class.
Your child will be continuing to take part in P.E on each Wednesday morning and Friday morning, and we advise children to wear their PE kits on these days please. As addressed in our school policy, all jewellery should be removed prior to attending school on these days.
We will hold our parents consultation evenings again this term, where there will be ample opportunity for us all to discuss your child’s work, view their books and discuss how they are progressing through their learning journey - more details are to follow later in the term.
As always, we appreciate your support greatly! Our classroom doors are always open; whether it be for a quick chat, a thumbs up or to answer any queries you may have. You can always message us on Class Dojos too, where we will aim to respond to you as soon as we can during suitable school working hours.
We’re looking forward to working together with you again this term,
The Year 3 Team,
Mrs Skitt/Miss Wood, Miss Richards, Mrs Ram, Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Warner.
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