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We have been learning about special places of worship, the importance of prayers for Christians, ways that different religions pray and they have also demonstrated how Jesus can be portrayed in different ways.

Welcome back to a brand new term! We hope that you have all had an enjoyable winter break. Year 4 will continue to focus on multiplication this term as the date for our Multiplication Check gets closer. The children have already worked hard to build their knowledge of the tables and we know that they will continue to do so.

Ms Barratt, from the Wolverhampton Music School continues to join us every Wednesday morning for a music session! The children will continue to play the violin and we hope to send them home soon, so they can practise their skills before they perform for you in a music concert.    


There will be two sessions of PE a week and children are to wear their PE kit to school on those days.  PE kit consists of a green school sweatshirt, plain white polo shirt, green or black PE shorts and plain black trainers/pumps.  As the weather will be colder for a while yet, plain black joggers may be worn. 


Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school, with the exception of stud earrings.  In line with Health and Safety guidelines they should not be worn on P.E days. Children will be asked to remove earrings before P.E sessions. Please provide plasters/ tape if they cannot be removed.  If your child wears a religious bangle, they will need a sweat band on PE days to ensure we comply with Health and Safety.  If your child cannot participate in P.E sessions for medical reasons, a written letter explaining the reasons why need to be shown on the day of the session.


Children in Year 4 receive homework, which is expected to be completed on time and to a high standard. Children will have weekly assignments set on Reading Eggs for which they have a week to complete.  To help support their learning of times tables, we expect them to use TimesTables Rockstars (TTRS) to improve their learning. There may be additional homework set to consolidate classroom learning or further challenge them- this is to completed in their purple homework book.  Your child will also have weekly spellings to learn for a spelling test the following week. 


We look forward to working with you over the next year to ensure your children have an enjoyable and valuable year. If you have any concerns or worries, please arrange a time to speak to one of us by calling the office. You can also contact us on Class Dojo.


Mrs Bains, Ms Singh, Mrs Shakham and Miss Chopra

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