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Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome to Goldthorn Park!

We offer an exciting, vibrant and educational environment for children to excel in their Early Years learning. The children settle quickly into their routines and with everyone’s support we know your child will succeed! Our main priority is to ensure that all pupils are settled and happy with fantastic teacher relationships in order to reach maximum learning potential.


Supporting the children in Reception this year will be Class Teachers Miss Allen (Class 1) and Miss Hill (Class 2) and Teaching Assistants, Mrs Hammonds, Mrs V. Patel and Mrs D. Patel. 


Your child will be given a reading book and Reading Diary to take home and bring to school everyday. Reading is extremely important in Reception, please support us and your child with reading by recording reading at home in your child’s reading diary.


Purple creative homework books will be sent home every Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday. We aim for it to allow our children to both consolidate their learning from class as well as move their learning on. We look forward to your exciting contributions!


Each week, a child will be chosen as our star of the week! If chosen, your child will come home with our very own teddy bear and recording journal! Your child will enjoy spending a weekend with their furry friend which the children love to share the photos and memories with their Class. 


PE will take place once per week, so please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school. Although we may not initially expect your child to change into their P.E. kit this is an important skill which we will introduce as soon as we feel the children are confident enough to do so. P.E. kit should include a white round neck t-shirt, shorts (black or navy) and black pumps. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is labelled. Please can we remind parents that jewellery should not be worn in school in line with Health and Safety guidelines. 


We have some fantastic topics planned for Reception this year and this term our learning will be based around ‘Tell us a Story’ ‘Cultural Fortnight’ ‘Humpty and Friends’ and ‘Christmas’. We will also launch these exciting topics with inspiration days so please look out for further information regarding these valuable learning experiences!


A reminder that if your child is asthmatic, please ensure an in-date inhaler and spacer is in school at all times. Please ensure you have informed the office with any updated medical information.


We look forward to working with you to ensure your child has a valuable year. Reception is a very important year, and we look forward to one which is full of learning and progress. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the year, please do not hesitate to speak to us, either after school or by making an appointment via the school office.


Let the learning adventures begin!


Miss Allen

Class 1 Teacher 


Miss Hill
Class 2 Teacher 

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