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Welcome back to a new school year!

A very warm welcome to Year 5. We hope that you and your child have had a very enjoyable summer break and your child is ready and refreshed to continue with their learning in the Autumn term.

This term children will learn through a range of exciting and engaging topics:

In English children will be learning how to develop their use of punctuation (e.g. using commas, brackets and colons), descriptive writing, paragraphs, dialogue and subject-specific vocabulary. We will cover recounts, narrative retells and biography writing.

Children will continue to have spellings to learn at home on a weekly basis as well as phonic spellings that will be tested in school. Children are also encouraged to read regularly, complete comprehension tasks from the Reading Eggs programme online and continue to complete detailed comments in their reading diaries and reading journals.

In Maths the children will be continuing to develop their mental maths skills including improving their times tables knowledge and speed (through Times Tables Rockstar and Superhero training). Times tables remain a priority, and we would appreciate your help in practising them this term. Mental and written strategies of the four rules of number (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) will be a key focus. Children will be given opportunities to apply these strategies to solve a variety of rich mathematical reasoning and worded problems.

This term children will have 3 thematic focuses. ‘Mission Control’ will centre around the solar system and space exploration with a key focus on Science and History. Children will learn about the relationship of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

‘Been Around the World’ is a thematic unit based around the UK and Hong Kong, with a key focus on geography. We will explore the links between the UK and Hong Kong as well as the location and key features of Hong Kong. In addition to looking at the physical features of Hong Kong, and their impact on the people who live there, we will also investigate different approaches to animal conservation in the two countries.

‘British Bulldog’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus, telling the fascinating story of Winston Churchill. He is Britain’s most well-known Prime Minister, famous for leading Britain to victory during World War II and delivering inspiring speeches to encourage those fighting overseas and those at home. We will learn, through his life story,
all about his achievements and ongoing legacy.

As scientists, children will be studying two topics this term: ‘Earth and Space’ and ‘Forces’. Children will gain a deeper understanding through research of how day and night occur and the movements of the planets within the solar system. They will learn about the effect of gravity, identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, and recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.

This term the children will start swimming lessons at Colton Hills on Tuesday afternoons. These lessons will be available to all children across the term. P.E lessons will be taught by the PE teachers from the Soccer 2000 team on Monday and Wednesday, it is important that correct PE kit remains in school. Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines, these should not be worn for PE. Children will be asked to remove or tape earrings before PE sessions. Please ensure that suitable PE kit is worn to ensure your child’s safety and participation. Children will require a re-fillable water bottle every day and that all items of clothing brought into school are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Children will be given a list of their usernames and passwords for a wide range of online learning resources that the school subscribes to; Reading Eggs, MyMaths, PurpleMash and TTRockstars. Please encourage them to use these valuable resources frequently. The tasks set by the teacher will reinforce the learning they have had in school.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, via class dojo. Thank you in anticipation of your continued support, your efforts are very much appreciated by the Year 5 team.

Miss Jackson (Class 11), Mr Holmes (Class 12), Mrs Jones and Mrs Ebrahim.


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 Curriculum Overview

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