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We hope that you and your children had a very enjoyable Summer break and we would like to welcome everyone back to the start of a new term. 

The Autumn term is always a crucial time for children in Year 2. Our topics for this term are: Inter-Nation Media Station, Paddington’s Passport and Medicine Woman: Elizabeth Blackwell. In Science, children will learn about plants. As part of Inter nation Media Station topic, children will develop their history skills to learn about the early methods of communication.

In Maths we will start by consolidating their understanding of place value and children will begin to extend their skills in adding and subtracting two-two digit numbers. As mathematicians in Year 2 the children will also be learning to properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

In English, we will be concentrating on applying their spelling, grammar and punctuation skills in writing, and develop interesting sentences by using connectives and adjectives to improve their writing. Throughout the term, children will have a weekly spelling test. This will be on a Friday and new spellings will be given out on Monday.

Pupils will remain in their classes for the majority of lessons. Your child will have their purple homework books to develop their creative skills as well consolidating their learning in the classroom at home by accessing online learning websites.

Please continue to support your child’s reading at home as much as possible. We remind you that children’s books need to be in school every day. We would also encourage you to write a comment in their home/school diary, building their confidence and the link between home and school. Any extra practise at home is always welcome!

Children in Year 2 will have P.E on Mondays and Tuesdays and will need to keep their PE kits in school. Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit in school at all times. In the interests of safety no jewellery , except ear studs can be covered with plasters and religious bangles can be covered with a sweatband.

Please ensure all uniform (including PE kit and pumps/trainers) is labelled with your child’s full name and class – there were plenty of PE clothes that were disposed at the end of the Summer term and we are aware how expensive it is!

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, who will usually be available at the end of each day. Thank you in anticipation of your continued support.

We have much to be excited about for the Autumn Term and we look forward to a term packed full of learning and progress.

Mr Sandhi – Class 5                      Miss Morgan– Class 6

Mrs Payton and Mrs Cartwright – Year 2 support


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