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School News - 3rd June 2024

Summer Term 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

A rainy half-term break! I hope you have managed to get out and about and enjoy your half-term break together.

Just before the half term holiday we welcomed a computing specialist to work with year groups to enhance their computing learning. All of the children were engaged in their learning, showed high levels of Computing knowledge and were complimented on their behaviour and attitude to learning... Well done!

Music is a key area of learning for our pupils at Goldthorn Park Primary School and we invest in opportunities for our pupils to experience drama, dance and music from 'The Butterfly Lands' travelling theatre group performance to KS2 to Years 3&4 enjoying an amazing musical performance from Wolverhampton Music School teachers to share the enjoyment of learning and playing musical instruments. Mrs Skitt (Music Lead) and our wonderful Year 5&6 school choir performed at 'Singing in the Halls' event with hundreds of other school children from across the City.

Year 4 enjoyed learning about rainforest animals with the rainforest Roadshow. They asked and answered questions held a variety of animals and conquered some fears! Well done our fearless Year 4s.

This week we begin our Year 4 Government Multiplication Times table Checks. Our pupils have been working hard with their teachers and families to learn the facts and are ready to show their learning. Good luck Year 4.

Finally, as you are aware, the government has called a general election to be held on Thursday 4th July 2024. The City of Wolverhampton Council have identified that Goldthorn Park Primary School will be being used as Polling Station on this day and so school will be closed to pupils.

Thank you all for your ongoing support.

Best wishes,

Mrs R. Purshouse


Nut Free School

At Goldthorn Park Primary School we have 5 pupils with allergies so severe that they must carry medication with them at all times. In order to keep ALL of our children safe and well we MUST NOT have nuts of any form in school. This includes: Nutella, Ferrero Roche, snickers and any other foods containing nuts. If you are not sure if food items contain nuts please check at the School Office.


Medical updates

A reminder to parents to update school records where medical conditions are diagnosed so we can ensure the correct support is available in school. This includes asthma, epilepsy and allergies alongside other medical conditions which may require medical intervention and support.


Community Events and Family Support


Dates for the diary:

Summer Term 2024

​Half Term Holiday Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May 2024

​Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June Year 4 MTC Week

Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June Refugee Week

Friday 21st June  INSET Day school CLOSED to children.

Monday 1st July - Friday 5th July Olympic Week

Monday 1st July 10:15am - EYFS Sports Day Class 1 & Nursery AM

Monday 1st July 2:00pm  - EYFS Sports Day Class 2 & Nursery PM

Tuesday 2nd July 10:00am - KS1 (Year 1 & Year 2) Sports Day

Wednesday 3rd July 10:00am - LKS2 (Year 3 & Year 4) Sports Day

Thursday 4th July - POLLING STATION - School CLOSED to children

Friday 5th July 10:00am - UKS2 (Year 5 & Year 6) Sports Day

Monday 22nd July  INSET Day school CLOSED to children.

Autumn Term 2024

Term Time: Monday 2nd September - Friday 20th December

Half Term Holiday Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November 2024


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