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School News - 12th April 2024

Summer Term 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a wonderful start to our Summer Term... Eid Mubarak! Whether you have celebrated Eid or Easter, spent time with family and friends or journeyed on holiday we hope you have an enjoyable break. The children have returned to school ready to learn and have settled quickly. Thank you, parents, for supporting school with smart uniforms and black shoes.

Just before the Easter break we celebrated Racism Awareness Day as a school and the children have created some amazing posters to spread the message of love and understanding. These will be displayed around school. As a school of sanctuary we work hard to 'welcome' all of our families and are very proud to celebrate festivals from around the world with our children and their families.

Thank you to all of our parents who were able to attend parent's evening appointments before the Easter break. If you were unable to attend, please contact your class teacher and they will be able to meet with you to discuss your child's progress.

We have enjoyed celebrating Eid together today through a variety of activities in classes. The children also enjoyed learning about Eid during an assembly led by some of our parents on Tuesday which we are very grateful for.

Happy Vaisakhi for tomorrow! We are celebrating Vaisakhi in school next Friday (19.04.24), ahead of the Vaisakhi procession on 21.04.24, where children are invited to wear blue and/or orange in school.

Best wishes,

Mrs R. Purshouse


Class Dojo

Please remember to keep checking on Class Dojo for updates from your class teachers and for the Whole School. If you do not have Class Dojo please ask your teacher to support you in creating an account. Please note, we do not use any paid function in this APP, only the free aspects which support our communication with parents.


Year 1 Trip to the Gurdwara

Our Year 1 pupils visited our local Gurdwara on Thursday and had a wonderful time. They listened carefully and asked thoughtful questions. The adults that supported our children all commented on how well behaved, knowledgeable and respectful our pupils were. We are very proud, Well done year 1.


Adult Education at Goldthorn Park

At Goldthorn Park Primary we pride ourselves on working with Adult Education to provide courses to support our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. For these courses to run we have to sign up at least 10 adults. We start our English for Speakers of Other Langauges course on Tuesday 16.04.24 at 9am. During this course you will be taught how to read, speak and write in English. Please take this free opportunity whilst it is available. If we do not have 10 or more adults Adult Education cannot run the course. More details below:


Polling Day

School has been selected by City of Wolverhampton Council to be a polling station on Thursday 2nd May and so we will be closed to pupils. Year 6 pupils will be invited into school for a booster session during the morning in preparation for the upcoming SATs, more information to follow.


Medical updates

A reminder to parents to update school records where medical conditions are diagnosed so we can ensure the correct support is available in school. This includes asthma, epilepsy and allergies alongside other medical conditions which may require medical intervention and support.


Community Events and Family Support

Dates for the diary:

Summer Term 2024

Term Time: Monday 8th April - Friday 19th June

Monday 8th April - School reopens

Tuesday 9th April - Year 3 Eid Celebration workshop 

Thursday 11th April - Year 1 Trip to the Gurdwara

Thursday 11th April - 3:15pm Year 5 Parent Meeting for Year 6 residential in Autumn Term 2024.

Friday 12th April - Eid Celebration day - Wear green!

Friday 19th April - Science Day

Friday 19th April - Vaisakhi Celebration Day - Wear blue and/or Orange

Monday 29th April - Fire Service visit for Reception and Nursery

Thursday 2nd May - Polling Day, school CLOSED to children.

Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday, school CLOSED to children.

Thursday 9th May - Parents Well being Coffee Morning

Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May - Year 6 SATs week.

Monday 20th May - Visiting Theatre for KS2 The Butterfly Lands

​Half Term Holiday Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May 2024

​Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June Year 4 MTC Week

Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June Refugee Week

Friday 21st June  INSET Day school CLOSED to children.

Monday 1st July - Friday 5th July Olympic Week

Monday 1st July 10:15am - EYFS Sports Day Class 1 & Nursery AM

Monday 1st July 2:00pm  - EYFS Sports Day Class 2 & Nursery PM

Tuesday 2nd July 10:00am - KS1 (Year 1 & Year 2) Sports Day

Wednesday 3rd July 10:00am - LKS2 (Year 3 & Year 4) Sports Day

Friday 5th July 10:00am - UKS2 (Year 5 & Year 6) Sports Day

Monday 22nd July  INSET Day school CLOSED to children.


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