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School News - 15th March 2024


Spring Term 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

thank you to all of our families for sending your children to school looking so smart in their uniforms and ready for learning with reading books raring to go! Last week was very busy and full of learning experiences: Year 4 Violin concert (see below), Year 6 residential (see below), World Book Day (see below) and was rounded up with Reception 's Mothers' Day assembly which was amazing. Our children sang to their families about love and thanks and presented family members with handmade cards and bunches of daffodils.

Please remember to keep checking on Class Dojo for updates from your class teachers and for the Whole School. If you do not have Class Dojo please ask your teacher to support you in creating an account. Please note, we do not use any paid function in this APP, only the free aspects which support our communication with parents.

A reminder to our Year 4 parents that there is a Multiplication Timestable Check meeting in the hall at 3:20 on Monday 18th March lead by Mr Pryce our Maths lead and our Year 4 teachers. Year 4 pupils will be undertaking their MTC checks in June and Mr Pryce will share with you what it involves and how best you can help.

Thank you to all of our families for your support with our Book Fair this week. We raise funds through your purchases which help us to buy even more lovely books for your children to read in our library or in their class reading corners. Thank you.

Next week is an equally busy week with Years 3& 4 and EYFS's Easter productions, Parent Consultation Evenings and our celebration of, 'Racism Awareness Day 2024' more details to follow.

And finally, it is with a heavy heart that we share with our families and friends that the lovely Mr Sandhi

is leaving us at the end of this term. Mr Sandhi started at Goldthorn Park Primary School in 2012 and has taught since 2015. His lasting legacy with our pupils is the fun they have shared whilst learning with him. He moves on to face new challenges and we look forward to hearing about his future achievements. We all thank Mr Sandhi for everything he has done for the pupils and staff at Goldthorn Park Primary School across the 12 years he has worked here.

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs R. Purshouse


Year 6 residential - Laches Wood

What an amazing time Year 6 had on the residential to Laches Wood!

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed developing teamwork, communication and problem solving skills through exciting activities such as archery, axe throwing, fire lighting and outdoor climbing.

These are memories that will last a lifetime and we will always look back at them fondly. The perfect way to spend the last few months with our friends before we all leave for secondary school. 


World Book Day 2024

World Book Day was such a wonderful day filled with stories, books, authors, illustrators and PJ's. Great fun! We all had fun creating potato characters, sharing stories with our friends and listening to different teachers reading to us...magical.

As part of World Book Day 2024 some of our pupils were chosen to represent Goldthorn Park Primary school at Wolverhampton Grammar school where they met the world famous author, Dame Jacqueline Wilson. What an amazing opportunity!


Year 4 Violin Concert Spring 2024

Year 4 shared their wonderful learning with families and friends on Wednesday. Teachers and parents were all very proud of the progress the children have made since starting the violin in September. At Goldthorn Park we invest in our children and provide opportunities for them to experience learning an instrument from a specialist music teacher, Mrs Barratt, from the Wolverhampton Music School. Well done Year 4 pupils and teachers for working so hard.


Polling Day

School has been selected by City of Wolverhampton Council to be a polling station on Thursday 2nd May and so we will be closed to pupils. Year 6 pupils will be invited into school for a booster session during the morning in preparation for the upcoming SATs, more information to follow.


Parents Evenings Spring 2024

There is still time to get your Parents' Evening appointment for Tuesday 19th March or Wednesday 20th March. Please contact your child's class teacher who will allocate you a time to discuss your child's progress since September and the learning steps for Summer Term 2024.


Medical updates

A reminder to parents to update school records where medical conditions are diagnosed so we can ensure the correct support is available in school. This includes asthma, epilepsy and allergies alongside other medical conditions which may require medical intervention and support.


Community Events and Family Support

Dates for the diary:

Spring Term 2024

Monday 18th March Parents meeting about Year 4 Multiplication Check Meeting with Mr Pryce

Tuesday 19th March Lower KS2 Easter Production 10am/ 2pm

Tuesday 19th March 3:30 - 5:30 Parents Evening 1

Wednesday 20th March EYFS Easter Production 10am/ 2pm

Wednesday 20th March 4:00 - 6:00 Parents Evening 2

​Thursday 21st March Racism Awareness Day 2024

Friday 22nd March 3:15 Break up for the Easter Holiday.

Easter Holiday Monday 25th March - Friday 29th March 2024

Summer Term 1 2024

-Monday 8th April - Friday 19th June

Monday 8th April Back to school

Tuesday 9th April Eid Celebration across school

Friday 12th April Year 4 Eid Assembly

Thursday 2nd May - Polling Day, school CLOSED to children.

Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May Year 6 SATs week.

​Half Term Holiday Monday 27th - Friday 31st May 2024

Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th June Year 4 MTC week.

Monday 17th June - Thursday 20th June Refugee Week

Friday 21st June  INSET Day school CLOSED to children.

Monday 22nd July  INSET Day school CLOSED to children.


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